Suncoast Communities Blood Bank

1760 Mound St.
FL 34236

Suncoast Communities Blood Bank

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Suncoast Communities Blood Bank is a registered 501c3 nonprofit corporation supported by hundreds of individuals, corporations and foundations. It provides a reliable supply of quality blood products and services to hospitals and health centers in need.

Suncoast is simultaneously reducing its environmental impacts and overhead costs. By reducing waste, they save money on garbage service and office materials. The organization switched from T-12 lighting to T-8, which uses less energy and cut their electric bill. They also converted to low-flow toilets that reduce their water consumption and water bill.

Suncoast Communities Blood Bank became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2009. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit:



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