Can I export/download the data and information displayed in the Open Green Map?

Only registered Green Mapmakers (Team Leaders) can download a CSV file that contains their own Open Green Map's data. The Team Leader has the sole responsibility to authorize their Team Members to download the information for each of their Open Green Maps from this platform.

Note: If you want to lead a Green Map project, details are in this FAQ or click here.

The CVS file's information is quite useful if you are planning to print a Green Map or plan to integrate it into a GIS database. Each CSV file contains the details for every green site such as Site name, Primary, Secondary and Accessibility Icons, URLs, contact information, Geo-location (latitude and longitude), among other details.

You can open this CVS file using a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Calc. If you create a good resource for using the data, please share with other Green Mapmakers by adding it to's Mapmaking Tools in the Resource section's Tool Center.

Here's how to download the CSV file. Start by logging in, then view the Open Green Map you wish to download. Click the Import/Export tab above your map in order to download that map's CSV file. If you have more than one Open Green Map, repeat the process to import all your site data. Open the CSV file using a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Calc.

Find more information about Importing (currently, quite difficult) and Exporting at that Tab. Over time, we expect to create more advanced tools for this purpose.

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