Godt Brød Thereses gate (bakery)

Thereses gate 33

Godt Brød Thereses gate (bakery)

건강한 식당유기농/지역 생산식품녹색 기업


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Godt Brød is an organic bakery chain consisting of four bakeries in Oslo and seven bakeries other places in Norway. They sell different kinds of bread, cakes, pastries, salads, coffee, tea etc. All the baked goods are 100 % organic, and the same goes for almost everything else at Godt Brød!
Read more (in Norwegian) on their website.

+47 23 20 22 60


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I. S. 11월 2012 "Yet another good thing about living in the city - having two organic bakeries within walking distance!"
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