Frequently Asked Questions

Doar membrii înregistraţi ca şi Cartografi Verzi pot crea o hartă în platforma Harta Verde Deschisă (Open Green Map) în prezent. Mai multe detalii la Înregistrarea nu este gratuită și ai nevoie de un pic de experiență în domeniul sustenabilităţii. Odată ce ai primit prin e-mail mesajul oficial de bun venit, te poți autentifica la și accesa pagina FAQ din meniul de sus pentru a urma instrucțiunile din Cum să creezi o hartă. Harta ta poate rămâne privată până când este gata de publicare.

Any new Open Green Map needs at least one site added before you can see the map. Even if you have added lines or areas, you won't see anything until you add a site. You can quickly create a test site as a temporary way to view your map.

Login at
Under MyOGM, choose My Account.
Click one of the sites you have put on your map

Above the site's title, you will see 3 tabs, View, Edit and Clone.
Click Clone.
It duplicates the site and changes the title to Clone of - Site Name -
Simply change the title, then scroll down to the map.
Move the scale slider almost the way to the top and click the location of this new site.
You can change the address and any other details, then click Submit on the bottom.

This Clone tab is visible on any site that you have made (your user name appears on the site's bottom line.
That is why we suggest going through MyOGM's to My Account, as only your own sites are visible there (whereas Map Dashboard includes sites by others on your map).

Of course, you can start by creating a new site, then clicking its Clone tab.

Cloned sites have all the same features as any other site.


First, have team members register themselves by clicking Get Involved or Create New Account at (You can do this by clicking Invite new members on a tab over your map)

You should login and go to the map you want to add them to, using MyOGM (or a direct link).

Map Team (tab over map)
Edit Roles (by any name on the bottom of this page)
Add Members (tab at top)
Type in their username, not their email, to add them to your Map Team.

Then click, Add Users.

Then, click Configure Member Roles.

You can make each a Team member (add and edit just their own sites), Coordinator (edit others' sites, too) or Team Leader (can make new maps, too). Give each just one role.

Click Save Changes.

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