9226 Selborne Way. Palmetto


Grön byggnadNaturlig livsmiljö (habitat) VåtmarkerGrön kil/NaturkorridorerHöstfärger


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Unlike typical suburban forms of development, Serenbe uses an innovative density plan that fosters architectural diversity and undomesticated stretches of nature.

The three distinct hamlets are named Selborne, Grange and Mado. Selborne is the center for arts (performing, visual and culinary), and is currently home to about 100 residents, the Blue Eyed Daisy Bakeshop, StudioSwan Art Gallery, Harris & Clark Thoughtful Grocer & Food School, Goode’s For the Home, Gloriosa Style, and The Hil restaurant. Here, you’ll find stunning attention to artistic detail, from the glowing streetlamps created by an artist especially for the Selborne hamlet to the iron bike racks, benches and even trash cans. Grange, currently under construction, is the farm hamlet, given its proximity to the Serenbe Organic Farms and Serenbe Stables. With hilly terrain and sweeping views of 50 miles of greenspace, the lake, and preserved forestland, homes here will feel as though they’re nestled in a mountain retreat. Grange will also be home to a barbecue restaurant, a tack store, feed and seed shop, and arts and crafts studios. The third community, which is in the planning stages, is Mado—named for the Creek-Indian word meaning “things in balance.” Here, you’ll find the destination spa, an upscale boutique hotel, vegetarian restaurant, juice bar, traditional and holistic medical services, assisted living, and more.



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