Agents of Change Project

Cape Town

Agents of Change Project



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Social Sculpture

What is the potential of your profound thought in these times of Deep Crises?

This process is to be used by people where people’s lives will be affected by the Ocean levels rising 3m by the year 2107.

Agents of Change is a thought space that expands the potential of our profound thought through working as a Social Organism. It is an opportunity to reflect on your concerns and issues that are emerging from your profound insights and explore their relevance in relation to Climate Change.

The Agents of Change project is a Social Sculpture Deep Connective Intervention.

The Agents of Change project is a new method of engagement.


The AoC methodology is a process of Deep Listening. It enables reflecting on your concerns and issues that are emerging from your profound insights and exploring their relevance in relation to Climate Change. To engage with this process of reflection and orientation, the AoC methodology is made up of group conversations, research apparatus, and a Public Research Intervention.

There are three stages.

The first stage is opening the discussion through a Group Conversation.

The second stage is work ‘On Site’ with the kit…The Public Intervention:
Each Agent of Change (kitted out) stands along the ocean waters edge in a public space. The kit is made up of a set of life jackets, three meter (10 ft) high water measure sticks (indicating the level of the ocean in 2107) and a small journal.

The third stage involves connecting peoples understanding from their experiences and thoughts, by Group Reflection and Discussion .

The Agents of Change project was collaboratively developed (2006/ 2007) by James Reed (Practice based researcher) and Shelley Sacks (the Director of the Social Sculpture Research Unit (SSRU) , at Oxford Brookes University (OBU)), as a creative initiative of the SSRU , Earth Agenda and University of the Trees. James Reed, based in Portland Oregon, is the project leader for the Agents of Change project (AOC).


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Agents of Change Project

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