The Company's Garden

Queen Victoria Street
Cape Town

The Company's Garden

ParkKulturintressant plats Park eller rekreationsplatsUrskog eller andra ursprungliga arterFotgängarzon


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The Company's Garden is one of the city's premier tourist attractions - a green jewel in the heart of a vibrant, bustling metropolis that is the remaining half of a fresh produce garden planted in the 1650s by the region's first European settlers.

The public section of the garden has been enjoyed by visitors for the sheer beauty of its flora and the allure of its historic setting since it was proclaimed for public use in 1848. It is abutted by numerous important landmarks, including the lodge house for the slaves who built large parts of the historic city, the present day Houses of Parliament, the Iziko SA Museum and Planetarium, St George's Cathedral (which is the seat of the Anglican church in SA), the National Library of SA, the SA National Gallery, the Great Synagogue and Holocaust Centre and Tuynhuys, which is used by the President on State occasions. Other attractions include:

• The oldest cultivated pear tree in South Africa (circa 1652)
• A rose garden designed and built in 1929
• A well stocked fish pond
• Dellville Wood Memorial Garden, which commemorates the World War 1 battle at Delville Wood in France, in which a predominantly SA force of more than 3 000 soldiers was reduced to 755 survivors by German forces
• An aviary - a great favourite with children
• Restaurant - the Garden Tea Room - a Capetonian favourite!
• Botanically and historically valuable trees
• Local arts and crafts along the avenue
• Grassy lawns and benches
• A herb and succulent garden
• Historic statues
• Interested visitors can go on a self guided walk through the Garden with the aid of a brochure

Office hours: 07:30–16:00
Summer: 07:00–19:00
Winter: 07:00–18:00

021 400 2521


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