Envirochild: Hout Bay Transition Town

31 Hughenden Road
Hout Bay
Cape Town

Envirochild: Hout Bay Transition Town

Viktig organisation/föreningLokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär MiljövårdsundervisningEkologisk/lokal matEkoprodukterGrön verksamhetHembygdsgård


Ingen har röstat än

Envirochild is a growing and diverse group of residents of Hout Bay, dedicated to transforming our suburb into a healthy, prosperous and united community and developing South Africa's first Transition Town.

We believe that the principles of:

* collective community effort
* permaculture,
* people empowerment and
* political neutrality

will enable us to help Hout Bay transition into a sustainable place for our children to live.

We are also convinced that this is our best chance of meeting the impact of:

* growing population
* climate change
* resource depletion
* pollution
* energy constraints
* poverty and
* rising food and fuel costs.

With its wealth of human and natural resources and spirit of goodwill, Hout Bay has the potential to become a model community that will inspire other communities that are making the transition to sustainability. We hope to do this with your help.

The mission is to be a catalyst for localising, i.e., developing local self-reliance in food, energy, transportation, media, systems of care, and economy, and possibly education, while regenerating community.

The residents form a transition team, to brainstorm solutions, volunteer help and initiate a process of localising as many essential elements that the community needs to sustain themselves and thrive.

The role is to provide inspiration, empowerment, education, and support for individuals, businesses, organizations, communities and local governments, working together to consider and implement a collective vision of a localised future.



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