Help The Rural Child

South Palms Centre, 333 Main Rd,
Cape Town

Help The Rural Child

SecondhandbutikViktig organisation/byråFrivilliginsatsViktig organisation/föreningÅteranvänding


Ingen har röstat än

Help The Rural Child was set up in 2005 and already has 4 shops! We are
based in Cape Town where we have two second-hand bookshops and two charity
shops selling clothing and bric-a-brac. Our shops enable us to create money
by selling donated items.

We are also helping the environment by recycling unwanted goods, selling them
at low prices to be used again instead of ending up in landfill sites.

This is a unique funding model. By creating a sustainable network of shops
that are self-sufficient and profitable, we are able to fund and strengthen
good development projects which focus on disadvantaged rural children.

Each shop can make enough money annually to pay the running costs of one
Rural Youth Centre for a year.

But we need your help! We rely on donations of clothes and books and
household goods to stock our shops. We also rely on volunteers to run our
shops. And we need money to set up and open new shops.

Each shop costs between R100,000 and R200,000 to set up and then there is
rent to pay and staff and transport costs for collecting stock. But oncethe
shop is up and running we can make enough profit each year to run a Rural
Youth Centre providing health, educational and recreational facilities for
hundreds of disadvantaged children.

The more shops we have the more money we make. The more money we make the
more social projects we can fund. The more projects we fund the more rural
children we help to break out of the poverty trap.

021 7011328


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