Soaring Free Superfoods

44 Almond Str
Cape Town

Soaring Free Superfoods

Ekologisk/lokal matInternetresursLokalt företag


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We travel all around Southern Africa presenting Raw Food Courses and educating people about the healing power of raw, living foods and superfoods as well as demonstrating how to prepare these foods in interesting and delicious ways.

We aim to show people how to transition away from de-natured foods and re-balance with highly nutritional superfoods and natural foods. In this way we move joyfully towards the simple, fun, delicious and natural way of divine nutrition and eating directly from your garden.

Soaring Free Superfoods, imports the highest quality organic superfoods from around the world, including Goji Berries, Raw Cacao(chocolate), Maca Powder and Hemp Seed Protein Powder to name but a few. We run Superfood Health Stalls at key markets in and around Cape Town. As well as supplying leading healthshops with our Soaring Free Superfoods range, we also make these and other Superfoods available to the general public via our Webshop.

If you would like to visit us at our office in please call before as we may be at a course and not be in.

0861 000 976 or 021 794 7793


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