Soil For Life

Stables Lane, off Brounger Road

Soil For Life

Koloniträdgårdar/KolonilotterEkologiskt jordbruk/permakulturEkologisk/lokal mat


Ingen har röstat än

Soil for Life is a Cape Town-based NGO which teaches people to grow their own food and it works with the premise - healthy soil, healthy plants, and healthy people.

Home and community food gardens are designed to maximise production in small spaces, to conserve water and to make use of all available resources that would otherwise end up in already over-burdened land-fill sites, and to avoid, at all costs, the need for artificial fertilisers and poisonous sprays.

Soil for Life's work is, however, not just about gardening, and not just about food. It is also about "growing" whole people who are able to help themselves on many fronts: survival, earning their own money, creating healthy families, improving values, dealing with inflation, problem-solving, developing creativity and resourcefulness, and building bridges of goodwill and understanding. It’s about whole people; food gardening provides food for the body, the mind and the soul.

021 794 4982


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Glen Adams mar 2009 "Thanks to Pat Featherstone and Soil for Life for a fantastic weekend workshop in April 2005. It was more than just learning how to make compost and grow your own vegetables! It helped fuel the fire and my interest in living more sustainably. Highly recommended to anyone interested in eco-aware living."
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