Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA)

Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA)

Viktig organisation/byråEkoinformationMiljörättsorganisationMiljövårdsundervisningFrivilliginsats


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Founded in 1926, the Wildlife and Environment Society of SA is South Africa's oldest and largest non-government, membership-based environmental organisation. WESSA maintains a watchful eye on the South African environment through its extensive network of Regional Offices , Branches , Friends Groups and Environmental Clubs.

WESSA's vision is to achieve a South Africa which is wisely managed by all to ensure long-term environmental sustainability.

To this end we promote public participation in caring for the Earth.

Professional environmental staff are employed to work directly with the public, local, provincial and national government and with other environmental organisations for the protection of the environment. WESSA is represented on many National and Regional conservation bodies and investigatory commissions, and is a founder member of the World Conservation Union (formerly the International Union for the Conservation of Nature - IUCN).

WESSA has been, and continues to be, a motivating force behind many of South Africa's most significant environmental decisions . These and other achievements are as a result of the voices and actions of ordinary South Africans - people who have been willing participants in caring for the Earth.

"Tell people - and they may forget...
show them - they may remember...
but involve them and they will understand."

Today WESSA remains relevant and influential as both an environmental watchdog and as an educator.

WESSA is a Section 21 company registered as an Incorporated Association not for gain. The Regions elect a National Council, which in turn appoints the Board of Directors.

(021) 7011397/8


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