Babcock Preserve - Finger Lakes Land Trust

NY 14850

Babcock Preserve - Finger Lakes Land Trust

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In 2006 the Finger Lakes Land Trust purchased these 113 acres located within the towns of Ithaca and Newfield, just south of the Sweedler Preserve at Lick Brook.


In 2006 the Land Trust purchased these 113 acres located within the towns of Ithaca and Newfield, just south of the Sweedler Preserve at Lick Brook. Previously owned by John Babcock, this property features more than a mile of frontage on the Cayuga Inlet. The land also borders Robert Treman State Park and a natural area owned and managed by Cornell Plantations.

This property was acquired with significant financial support from Cornell University, Tompkins County, the Town of Ithaca, and numerous individuals
Natural History

Bordering more than 2,000 acres of previously protected open space, the Babcock property adds another jewel to the Emerald Necklace surrounding Ithaca. Its wild, wooded hillside and streamside meadows can be seen from the State Park as well as from nearby State Route 13.

The property also protects a short, but key, segment of the popular Finger Lakes Trail, allowing hikers to pass through woods and fields rather than having to negotiate roads in this area.

TCAT bus Route 67

To know more and support the Finger Lakes Land Trust visit


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