Littletree Orchards

345 Shaffer Road
NY 14867

Littletree Orchards

Lokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär MiljövårdsundervisningEkoturism/EkovandringEkologisk/lokal matGrön kil/NaturkorridorerFågel- och djurskådningFågeldammEkotourism


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Littletree Orchards is certainly a fantastic place for picking fresh products (in particular apples, peaches, pears, blackberries...) and there is a great looking shops sheltered in a traditional barn offering cider, donuts, flowers and many other seasonal products with in addtion a pool and ping pong table to relax.
It is also a CSA farm (community shared agriculture) and Littletree has had formal and informal groups of all ages visiting the orchard for over 30 years. Groups can take a self-guided tour, or have a guided tour. School Groups of All Ages can have an interactive walk around the farm in which tour participants get to learn how to correctly pick apples, identify different fruit trees an learn about the growing process. Once tours return to the barn they are taken through the cider pressing room, the grading room, and the cold storage facilities. Most groups find it adds to the experience to bring a bag lunch and eat at the orchard. (charge by the child for tours)
If you are interested in a tour, please contact Littletree Orchards to arrange a date and time by visiting

In the last several years Littletree has been adding more and more music at the orchard. Whether it be for a special event or during the main season every Sunday afternoon, after Super Cider Sundays, you are sure to find a good mix of family friendly bands and groups to keep your foot tapping.


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