Tiohero Tours

435 Old Taughannock Boulevard
NY 14850

Tiohero Tours



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Tiohero Tours is an independent branch of Cayuga Wooden Boatworks Inc., a waterfront business specializing in boatbuilding and restoration and currently operating from two locations on Cayuga Lake, New York.

Tiohero Tours will offer daily historical narrated lake tours originating from both our home dock at 435 Old Taughannock Blvd. and from the Ithaca Farmers Market at Steamboat Landing. See schedule or call toll free 1-866-846-4376 for information and reservations.

Tiohero Tours hopes to raise public awareness of water quality issues affecting beautiful Cayuga Lake. With this in mind, they are committed to keeping our own impact on the lake to a minimum while providing as much opportunity for hands on education with the least impact on the lake as possible.

Their efforts towards this goal include using bio-diesel fuel made from a mixture of diesel and plant oils.

Tiohero Tours works closely with schools and organizations and has developed a set of educational, research and commercial programs which strongly encourage the use of the vessel as a platform from which groups or individuals can launch their own research projects. Tiohero Tours also offers the floating classroom and eco-tours as an interesting option for tourists and visitors.



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