Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre

64 Balmoral Street
G14 0BL

Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre

Viktig organisation/byråCykelparkeringFrivilliginsatsHandikappvänlig zonViktig organisation/föreningHembygdsgårdBarnvänlig platsÄldrevänlig plats


Ingen har röstat än

The Heart of Scotstoun Centre is managed by community co-operative and charity Heart of Scotstoun Ltd, whose aims are that all the services and amenities it provides will be in accordance with the following mission statement: “Heart of Scotstoun Ltd is a Co-operative for the benefit of the Community which seeks to include all Scotstoun residents in the ownership, development, running and enjoyment of a thriving and sustainable community centre.”

The Centre opened its doors to the public for the first time in May 2011, held a public Opening Day in June 2011, and has gradually increased its level of activity since then.

Many users of the Centre also choose to become Heart of Scotstoun members, and there are now over 600. The Centre does not have the benefit of guaranteed core funding and relies heavily on the volunteers who help at the Centre.

0141 433 0424


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