Earth Origins

1930 Stickney Point Rd
FL 34242

Earth Origins

Grön verksamhetLokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär Ekologisk/lokal matEkoprodukterEkologisk affär KomposteringAnsvarstagande företagÅtervinning


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The Stickney Point Earth Origins Market is one of thirteen Earth Origins Markets in the eastern United States. The stores were originally locally owned, independent, natural and organic food stores. All were started with the desire and passion to provide natural and organic foods to their local communities. All stores offer gluten free and vegan food options, a selection of locally produced products, as well as extensive personal care and supplement departments staffed by knowledgeable associates.

As a Green Business Partner, the Stickney Point Earth Origins Market is committed to conserving energy and water, recycling and reducing waste. Recently, less efficient dairy cases were replaced with LED lit, energy efficient cases. Moving to single stream recycling simplified employee and customer recycling, while capturing more of the waste stream, reducing the recycling provider's number of trips to the business and saves Earth Origins Market roughly $600 a month. Customers who home compost can pick up vegetable and fruit pulp waste from the juice bar. Marketing is done via email and apps, leaving one circular mailing a month printed on recycled paper with soy ink distributed to a small radius. Deli containers are composed of recycled content, and plastic and paper bags are composed of 100% recycled content.

Earth Origins became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2013. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit:


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