Marina Jack Dockmaster & Sarasota Bay Mooring Field

2 Marina Plaza
FL 34236

Marina Jack Dockmaster & Sarasota Bay Mooring Field

Grön verksamhetStrandområde/Park vid vattenLokalt företagVattentransporterEko-landskapsdesignAnsvarstagande företag


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As a green business partner, Marina Jack Dockmaster & Sarasota Bay Mooring Field is focused on protecting our bays. Pump out services are offered to marina and mooring field boats eliminating unnecessary waste into our waters. They use reclaimed water around the marina reducing our impacts; and maintain clean docks and stormwater drains keeping litter, debris and soils from entering the waterways. Being in direct contact with the Sarasota Bay, Marina Jack established a policy of no pesticides and fertilizers, as well as use reclaimed water for our irrigation system.

Marina Jack looks to reduce their footprint through energy saving measures. Switching lights to more efficient LED and T-8 fluorescents, installing lighting controls sensors and tankless water heaters, applying window films and shade awnings have all contributed to conservation measures. Marina Jack completed a comprehensive energy audit that will be used to address future projects related to energy reduction.

Marina Jack is committed to recycling programs and waste reduction. Initiatives are in place to recycle used oils, batteries, paints, light bulbs and electronics generated from marina operations and guests. Additionally, they focus on maintaining proper storage areas and conditions around throughout the marina reducing the risk of material degradation and damage.

Designated Clean Marina and Pumpout Facility
The Florida Clean Marina Program is a voluntary designation program with a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. Participants receive assistance in implementing Best Management Practices through on-site and distance technical assistance, mentoring by other Clean Marinas and continuing education. To become designated as a Clean Marina, facilities must implement a set of environmental measures designed to protect Floridas waterways. These measures address critical environmental issues such as sensitive habitat, waste management, stormwater control, spill prevention and emergency preparedness. Designated facilities and those facilities seeking designation receive ongoing technical support from the Florida Clean Marina Program and the Clean Boating Partnership.

The Clean Vessel Act (CVA) is a federally funded grant program administered by the Florida Clean Marina Program for the construction of pumpout facilities and pumpout vessels at marina and boatyard sites. The CVA program supports educational and public awareness programs on the importance and practice of keeping raw sewage out of Floridas waterways.

Marina Jack Dockmaster & Sarasota Bay Mooring Field became a Sarasota County Green Business Partner in 2014. The Green Business Partnership (GBP) encourages environmental stewardship in the commercial sector, and recognizes businesses that make an extra effort to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. This collaborative effort includes businesses, business organizations and local governments. The GBP was initiated through a grant awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to Sarasota County. For more information about the Green Business Partnership visit:



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