New College of Florida

5800 Bay Shore Rd.
FL 34243

New College of Florida

Grön verksamhetMiljövårdsundervisningGrön skola VattenåtervinningEnergibesparingÅtervinning


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For over 50 years, New College of Florida has been a creative force in shaping the lives of more than 5,000 students, unleashing their talents and enabling them to become their “highest and best selves,” as one alumna put it. New College relies on a simple formula: putting academically talented students together with highly qualified faculty members and letting them pursue subjects of mutual interest.
With a total enrollment of 800-850 students and a student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1, New College offers a personal and collaborative learning environment, where faculty and students engage in in-depth exploration of ideas and subject matter, and where students have the freedom to chart their own academic course.

As a GBP New College is having a positive impact on campus and throughout our community. The Council for Green Affairs (CGA) meets regularly and is open to any students interested in helping make New College a more sustainable campus. Students work together on a variety of projects such as the community garden, compost system, bike sharing program, and seawall and habitat restoration. Other projects included the removal of exotic invasive grasses and replaced them with native Florida ground covers, and coordinating campus events such as Food Security Fair. One of the primary ways New College is able to green the campus is through the dedicated Green Fee. The Green Fee is a small fee paid by each student, providing about $28,000 each year for sustainable projects on campus.

The New College Academic and Administration Building is a LEED Gold Certified Building.


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