Onaping Falls - A.Y. Jackson Lookout

45km west of Sudbury on hwy 144, 3 km north of Dowling

Onaping Falls - A.Y. Jackson Lookout

Utsiktsplats/sevärdhetSkyddad natur VattenplatsEkoturism/EkovandringHöstfärgerRiktmärke


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The lookout offers a scenic view of High Falls as it cascades 55 m (180 feet) into the Sudbury Basinimmortalized by Group of Seven founding member A.Y. Jackson's painting "Spring on the Onaping River". The site offers three trails, including a self-guided Geological Walking Tour. In 1953 A.Y. Jackson, one of the founding members of the "Group of Seven", visited this site and painted "Spring on the Onaping River". Two years later the painting was purchased by a group of students and placed in the Sudbury Secondary School. Shortly after Jackson's death in April of 1974 the painting was stolen and has not been recovered.

It is also part of a self-guided driving tour that examines the unique structures that created the vast mineral resources of the Sudbury Basin. The Welcome Centre has washroom facilities and picnic areas.

* There is an information centre at the site, open during the summer months. There is also a self-guided geological tour displaying a variety of the rocks found in the Sudbury Basin.
* There are walking paths leading down and around the river, and a bridge which crosses over at the top of the falls.
* Apparently also a great place to express your undying love for another (if the amount of grafitti is any indication).

Onaping Falls was used as a location for the filming of the movie "Men With Brooms".

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A.Y. Jackson

document tillagd av GreenSudbury



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