Hawthorne Community Garden

970 Goffle Road
NJ 07506

Hawthorne Community Garden

Koloniträdgårdar/KolonilotterEkologisk/lokal mat


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In the Spring 2014, the Hawthorne Community Garden was designed and built located at the Hawthorne Ambulance Building Corp and 9-11 Memorial site. The overall vision of the community garden is for residents to come together as a community of gardeners in a natural green space, where they can grow fresh, organic produce and improve their health and well- being. The Green Team was able to secure funds from Hawthorne’s Recycling Trust, Environmental Commission budget, grant funds from Sustainable Jersey Small Building Capacity Grant and DIG IN! grant from City Green and Passaic County Freeholders. The size of the garden is 30 x 50 feet with a total of sixteen (16) raised beds made from recycled/repurposed materials. The team developed garden rules and regulations, an application, and a “release, indemnification, and hold harmless agreement.” Each gardener paid an associated fee and deposit for each garden bed, which will be assigned on a first-come- first-serve basis by the Green Team Gardening Committee members. The community garden was officially opened on May 17, 2014.

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Hawthorne Community Garden

tillagd av HawthorneNJ



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