Jackson Heights Post Office

Jackson Heights Post Office

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Jackson Heights Post Office
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Built as the Jackson Heights Station of the Flushing Post Office, this post office building was constructed in 1936-37 to designs by Benjamin C. Flournoy, a consulting architect commissioned by the Office of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury. Its construction was part of the public works projects initiated by the U.S. government during the Depression of the 1930s. The post office occupies the blockfront on the south side of 37th Avenue between 78th and 79th Streets. An addition to the east side, encompassing the four easternmost bays on the main (37th Avenue) facade, and most of the rear portions of the building are additions of 1964.

Designed in the neo-Georgian style, the building has facades of red brick with white trim and harmonizes with the many neo-Georgian residential buildings in the historic district. Georgian-inspired elements of the design include the symmetrical massing of the original section, with four granite steps leading to a temple-fronted entrance pavilion, consisting of four broad, brick pilasters supporting a limestone entablature and triangular pediment. The carved wood door surround is composed of flanking colonnettes, pilasters, and an entablature below an arched fanlight with a large metal statue of an eagle perched in front of it. Other notable details include horizontal stone courses defining the entablature and water table; and original twelve-over-twelve double-hung windows with stone lintels and sills. Along 37th Avenue at the west end runs a brick wall which shields the loading area on 78th Street. The 1964
addition at the east end continues the design of the original building; it includes a secondary entrance with a paneled door in a classical enframement.

Source: "United States Post Offices in New York State, 1858-1943, Thematic Resources: United States Post Office, Jackson Heights Station, Flushing, N.Y.," form prepared by Larry
G. Gobrecht, National Register and Survey Coordinator, New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (Nov., 1986).


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