Schomberg Public Library

77 Main Street

Schomberg Public Library

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In October of 1930, a small committee was created by the Women's Institute with plans for establishing a public library in Schomberg. Led by Miss Grace Amey and Mrs. C. Marchant, a small library was created in Miss Amey's home on Main Street. As the librarian, Miss Amey received $40 per year, served 40 patrons and looked after 173 books (1931 statistics). On July 12, 1962, approximately 175 letters were sent to the community asking for financial aid; the result was many generous gifts of materials, money and labour. Grants were also given from the Lion's Club, Women's Institute and the village, enabling a contract to be given to Jack Bentley on August 1, 1962. The building was completed on March 1, 1963 and officially opened on April 21, 1963.

The library was run by the Women's Institute until 1970 when it became part of the King Township Public Library system. By 1978, the library had again outgrown its location. In June of that year the community was thrilled to hear than Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Osin had offered to donate $165,000 towards the construction of a new library. On November 15, 1979 the Schomberg Library - Len Osin Memorial was officially opened by Mayor Margaret Britnell and Library Board Chairman Alfred Foster. The following weekend, the First Schomberg Scouts helped move the books into the new building.

Today Schomberg Library is a hub that supports an underlying sense of community in King Township. The Library offers a variety of educational and cultural programs and services to residents of all ages. There are a wide variety of cultural events held at the Library, including movies, speakers, featured artists and writers. It also provides access to resources of all kinds, including books, archives, technology and the Internet, special software programs and technology.

Knowledgeable, friendly and helpful staff are what keep the libraries running and keep the loyal patrons coming back. They are well trained and help users to find the information they need and use it.

The Library's partners include: Museum, King Township Historical Society, King Township Archives, Horticultural Societies, Schomberg Agricultural Society, Chamber of Commerce, Arts Society King, Dufferin Marsh, Cold Creek Conservation, Schomberg Village Association, Senior Centre, Lloydtown Rebellion Association, and Lions Clubs. The Library also works closely with King Township schools and their students to provide students with access to information they may not be able to get at school.


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