Irish Hunger Memorial

Vesey Street and North End Avenue
New York
NY 10280

Irish Hunger Memorial



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The Irish Hunger Memorial is a great site to see while visiting the World Trade center and is uniquely located in New York's greenest neighborhood Battery Park City. Designed by artist Brian Tolle, the memorial is dedicated to the Irish people who lost their lives in The Great Famine of the mid eighteenth century. The Great Famine also known as the Irish Potato Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and immigration in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. The cause of the famine was a potato disease commonly known as blight, which ravaged potato crops throughout Europe resulting in over a million deaths. About one third of the Irish population was dependent on the potato crop and the disease decreased the population by approximately twenty five percent. At the time more than a million Irish migrated to the United States. This memorial represents the Irish landscape and is a metaphor for the Great Irish Famine and a reminder that hunger today is often the result of shortage of land. This sentimental and beautiful monument has been open to the public since 2002. REMINDER this is a dog free park.



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