Salt Marsh Nature Center at Marine Park

3302 Avenue U
(Between Avenue U and East 33rd Street)
NY 11229

Salt Marsh Nature Center at Marine Park

Park eller rekreationsplatsKulturintressant plats Skyddad natur MiljövårdsundervisningEkoturism/EkovandringSkyddade och konstgjorda miljöerFågel- och djurskådning


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The Salt Marsh Nature Center is a beautiful wetland estuary where its grounds are filled with upland meadows, waterways, and tidal flats. The open waters of Gerritsen Creek are an important refuge for ducks, geese and waterfowl. This wetland ecosystem can be viewed from 5 miles of shoreline.

Since 2002, the Salt Marsh Nature Center is supported by the Salt Marsh Alliance, Inc., a not-for-profit organization and is one of New York City’s Urban Park Ranger Centers. The Salt Marsh Nature Center is Brooklyn’s largest park, with 530 acres of grassland and precious salt marsh, home to a multitude of birds and native flora and fauna, protected as a Forever Wild Preserve.

The Salt Marsh Nature Center has a sustainable impact on society, the environment, culture and the economy. It serves as an in-park community center for public education, recreational activities and environment studies. The center also serves as starting points for walking tours and workshops for the whole family. Every month, the Saturday Nights Live! Program brings live entertainment from musical groups to storytellers to open-mike poetry readings.

Hours of Operation: From April 1 through the Summer, the Nature Center building will only be open on the weekends and by appointment from 12-noon to 4 p.m. The grounds, including the nature trail, are open from dawn to dusk.



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The Salt Marsh Nature Center

image tillagd av Rainforest Brazil


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