Mago Cafe - Sedona's Best Korean Food

207 North Highway 89A

Mago Cafe - Sedona's Best Korean Food

Hälsosam bespisningEkologisk/lokal matLokalt företag


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Korean Restaurant Serving Organic and Fresh ingredients.

“Mago” is the name for Mother Earth in the ancient Korean tradition. It is akin to the name “Gaia” of the Greek tradition. Ancient Korean legend has it that the original human beings had a perfect existence in the Land of Mago in the beginning of humanity. However, because of the corruption of its original character and divinity, human-kind was cast out of the Land of Mago to live a material and imperfect existence. According to the legend, it is our life’s purpose to collectively make our way back to the Land of Mago, our spiritual home. We hope that you feel at home at Mago Cafe.
Since its opening in 2003, Mago Cafe has been the only Korean restaurant in Northern Arizona. In addition to offering Korean delights to the Sedona community and the many visitors that pass through this breathtaking locale, it also hosts events for community groups such as the Northern Arizona Korean American Association and the Rotary Club. Many Asian visitors love coming here because they can get or share lots of information about the area that’s unavailable anywhere else.

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