Williamstown Middle School Demonstration Rain Gardens

561 Clayton Road
NJ 08094

Williamstown Middle School Demonstration Rain Gardens



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Two Rain Gardens at this location! One is by the main entrance and the other can be found behind the building.


The Williamstown Middle School rain gardens were installed as part of the Eco Basin Day that targeted the Williamstown Middle School students. The Eco Basin Day was coordinated by one of the Master Gardeners of Gloucester County. The Eco Basin Day consisted of installing native plant material around the school's detention ponds, installing rain gardens, installing a soil profile, and participating in other outdoor environmental activities for the students.

Type of Runoff Managed:

The rain garden adjacent to the school's main entrance manages stormwater fromhalf of the school's entrance rooftop before entering the storm drain. During storm events more intense than the water quality design storm (1.25 inches/two hours), the stormwater overflow enters the storm drain after the rain garden has reached its capacity.

The rain garden adjacent to the school's parking lot on the southwest end of the property manages stormwater runoff from a portion of the lot. Some of the water is conveyed via a grassed swale into the rain garden.


The two rain gardens were installed at the Williamstown Middle School in October 2008, with one adjacent to the school's main entrance and one adjacent to the school's parking lot on the southwest end of the property. The rain gardens were approved by the Williamstown Middle School and were installed as part of the Williamstown Middle School's Eco Basin Day.

To help with the installation of the rain garden adjacent to the school's main entrance, approximately ninety 5th grade students from Mrs. Marci Pizzo's class were present along with a Master Gardener of Gloucester County, who coordinated the effort. Staff from Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection provided installation oversight and training of thestudents. The students participated in the installation by helping with raking, planting, mulching, and placing river stone for the rain garden while learning about the water cycle and functions of the rain garden.

To help with the installation of the rain garden adjacent to the school's parking lot on the southwest end of the property, 5th through 8th grade students were present along with Master Gardeners of Gloucester County, who coordinated the effort. The students participated in the installation by helping with raking, planting, and mulching of the rain garden.

Plant List:

Rain Garden Adjacent to the School's Main Entrance:

Black Eyed Susan
Blue Flag Iris
Inkberry Holly
Turk's Cap Lily


The rain garden is maintained by the Master Gardeners of Gloucester County.


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After Installation

image tillagd av rutgers.water.r...


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