Cedar Ridge Preserve and Trail

Cedar Ridge Preserve and Trail

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Cedar Ridge Preserve and Trail

Size: 116 acres

Preserve & Trail Information: 2.03 miles, Easy. This property consists of a combination of open fields and woodlands at the edge of the Sourland Mountains. The trail runs parallel to the Stony Brook and begins in a native meadow, defined by hedgerows. In the spring, vernal pools support tadpoles. The trail continues into the forest and loops around back to the meadow. Along the way you’ll find groves of red cedars, a remnant patch of old growth forest with one of the largest White Oaks around, and a maze of early 19th century stone walls.

Click here for a stewardship profile of the Cedar Ridge Preserve: http://drgreenway.org/Documents/STEWARDSHIP-PROFILE-Cedar-Ridge.pdf

History: D&R Greenway Land Trust began preserving land in this region in 1991, when the Fullam Family donated a conservation easement on the Cedar Ridge property. In 2002, the Fullams deeded the land to D&R Greenway.

Location: Van Dyke Road, Hopewell, NJ 08525
Directions: From Route 518 coming from Hopewell, turn right onto Van Dyke Road (at the blinking traffic light). The trailhead and parking lot will be on your left at the bottom of the hill, just beyond the stream crossing.

See our website for information about a D&R Greenway staff led walk on this trail in 2012: http://drgreenway.org/walks.htm#GreenwayWalks



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Cedar Ridge Preserve and Trail

tillagd av DR Greenway



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