Greater Akron Audubon Society

OH 44308

Greater Akron Audubon Society

Naturlig livsmiljö (habitat) MiljöorganisationMiljövårdsundervisningEkoturism/EkovandringFågel- och djurskådning


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The purpose and objectives of this Society shall be to engage in any such educational, scientific, investigative, literary, historical, philanthropic and charitable pursuits as may be part of the stated purposes of the National Audubon Society, of which this Society shall function as a Chapter. In particular, we endeavor to follow and support The Audubon Philosophy (see below).

The Audubon Philosophy
We believe in the wisdom of nature's design.
We know that soil, water, plants, and wild creatures depend upon each other and are vital to human life.
We recognize that each living thing links to many others in the chain of nature.
We believe that persistent research into the intricate patterns of outdoor life will help to assure wise use of earth's abundance. We condemn no wild creature and work to assure that no living species shall be lost.
We believe that every generation should be able to experience spiritual and physical refreshment in places where primitive nature is undisturbed. So we will be vigilant to protect wilderness areas, refuges, and parks, and to encourage good use of nature's storehouse of resources.
We dedicate ourselves to the pleasant task of opening the eyes of young and old that all may come to
enjoy the beauty of the outdoor world and to share in conserving its wonders forever.


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Courtesy of Rule of Thumb Studios

video tillagd av rpiip


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