Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland

1761 E. 30th Street
Suite 200
OH 44114

Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland

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Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland's 14-week curriculum includes class sessions on leadership topics ranging from personal goal setting to neighborhood development. In addition to the weekly classes, participants also attend an opening two-day retreat, organize tours of their neighborhoods, and work with their classmates on group projects.

Through their participation in Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland, grassroots leaders learn a wide variety of skills, including how to:

* serve as advocates for their families and communities
* collaborate with others to get things done
* make public presentations
* work with government agencies and social service providers
* find and utilize resources

Just as importantly, neighborhood residents come away from their participation in NLI's leadership programs with an expanded sense of their own potential as leaders, a newfound appreciation for the assets of their communities, and a connection to a network of other grassroots leaders who share the same challenges and the same hopes for their families and communities.

Since 1994, when it began operations under the auspices of the Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association (NCA), Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland has served more than 700 grassroots leaders from neighborhoods throughout Greater Cleveland.

NLI offers Neighborhood Leadership Cleveland through a partnership with the Urban Center at Cleveland State University’s Levin College of Urban Affairs.

For more information, contact Jacqueline Gillon at (216) 812-8700.

(216) 812-8700


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