Tyler Village

3615 Superior Ave.

Tyler Village

ÅteranvändingHantverkHistorisk plats


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One of the largest adaptive reuse projects in Cleveland's history.

Washington S. Tyler started the Cleveland Wire works as a small two-story building in the 1890’s. Over the next 40 years, the company would grow into 24 buildings covering ten acres in the St. Clair - Superior neighborhood called the W.S. Tyler complex.

The unique architectural profile of the complex is best known for its bridges, which connected separate buildings and allowed employees to move between buildings without going outside. Those bridges are still functional and allow comfortable and convenient passage throughout the complex, to parking structures, communal break and snack areas and other businesses.

In 2002, a study was commissioned to determine the “highest best use” of the W.S. Tyler Complex. We wanted to know how to make the most of the incredible historical, architectural and strategic potential of this location. The resulting plan outlines a complex filled with commercial/office space, retail, and some light industrial uses. In 2005, Graystone Properties began in earnest to bring this vision to life.


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