Atelier Lucio Cruz

Rua Dona Geralda, 65 (24) 3371-1469

Atelier Lucio Cruz

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A true Caiçara, Lucio Cruz was born on October 2, 1962 in Paraty. His family arrived in Paraty in 1750 and have worked to preserve the culture of the Colonial Portuguese town ever since. A family of artists, his uncle Joe Kleber, was a famous poet that marked the history of the city and inspired much of Lucio’s work. He grew up with stories of saints, pirates and mermaids as told by his family. He incorporates this into his work by using paper mache, and invented a technique that uses cement and acrylic paint.
Following in the footsteps of two generations of family members, Lucio creates and develops art as taught by his ancestors. After relocating studios, he has been in this location on Rua Dona Geralda for five years. It is not uncommon to see Lucio sitting on the stoop of his studio painting one of his paper mache and cement sculptures.
Sustainable Features
Lucio creates sustainable art in a number of ways to attract the attention of locals and visitors. His materials include driftwood, fallen tree bark, old newspapers and leaves. All of his work is aimed at depicting the culture of Paraty with bright vibrant colors. Much of his work is devoted to the many festivals held in Paraty such as Carnivale and The Feast of the Divine.
Additional Sustainable Features:
-Use recycled materials and considers organic products as alternatives
-Use green power such as wind and light
-Promote little use of paper materials
-Works with local artists
-Provides language training and appropriate skill training
-Supports community projects by donating his work and providing pro bono services
-Continuously develops goals to achieve sustainability


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