Brasil Goulart

Santa Rita 9 A

Brasil Goulart

Grön verksamhetMuseumLivlig plats


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History of this location:

Brasil Goulart, 39 years old is a self-taught artist that was born in Rio de Janeiro and for the past 25 years has lived in Angra dos Reis. Goulart began to draw when he was two years old and began working as a teenager making posters to trace a chain of supermarkets. When he was 19 years old, his father showed his first drawing done while he was a child. His father had kept it in a carefully folded paper.

After that Goulart dedicated full time to his art and began studying the techniques by himself. When living with Asian families in Angra dos Reis, he practiced Zen Buddhism. He fell in love with “sumie” a painting technique that originated in China and it was calligraphic strokes in strong, precise, simple and monochromatic.

Goulart said, “I began to paint Japanese themes, such as bamboo and also to depict the sea, fishermen, and our local universe with oriental features”. Having participated in several halls exhibitions. Resident in Paraty has in its collection more than a thousand works of paintings, sculptures, carvings and ceramics.

Sustainable features:

Goulart uses recycled materials from the environment in different artistic ways. For example, he uses pieces of old boats to frame his artwork. He purchases and uses non-toxic, biodegradable chemicals and cleaning supplies. The pigments he uses are non-toxic. The artist supports artistic movements and happenings and supports community projects in Paraty.

55 24 33711850 / 78342439


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Brasil Goulart

tillagd av Rainforest Brazil



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