The Earlham Bike Co-op

Gurney House Basement, 326 College Avenue
IN 47374

The Earlham Bike Co-op



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The Earlham Bike Cooperative is an initiative to promote the ecological, social, physical and educational benefits of bicycles through providing whole-sale prices on materials, free use of tools, bike maintenance education, and community events.

"Sustainability needs to be included in all aspects of your life," David Walker, current convener says. "Transportation is often overlooked." Bicycles, which use human power instead of fossil fuels, are a sustainable form of transportation.

The Bike Cooperative is not a bike shop. The point of the groups is help people fix their own bicycles to gain a sense of responsibility, freedom, and autonomy is relation to their resource use.

The cooperative is also sustainable through the fact that resources (tools, parts, etc.) get added to a permanent space that can continue in the future.

Hours of the bike co-op vary by semester since it is a student run space, however Friday's from 3-5 pm are generally a good time to find folks at the co-op. For more specific hours, check the BIke Co-op facebook group at the link below.


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The Earlham Bike Co-op

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