Food Not Bombs South Wales / Bwyd Dim Bomiau De Cymru

Food Not Bombs South Wales / Bwyd Dim Bomiau De Cymru



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"Food Not Bombs is a loose-knit group of independent collectives, serving free vegan and vegetarian food to others. Food Not Bombs' ideology is that myriad corporate and government priorities are skewed to allow hunger to persist in the midst of abundance. To demonstrate this (and to reduce costs), a large amount of the food served by the group is surplus food from grocery stores, bakeries and markets that would otherwise go to waste. This group exhibits a form of franchise activism.

Food Not Bombs is an all-volunteer global movement that shares free vegan meals as a protest to war and poverty. Each chapter collects surplus food that would otherwise go to waste from grocery stores, bakeries and markets, as well as donations from local farmers and sometimes incorporating dumpster diving or 'skipping', then prepares community meals which are served for free to anyone who is hungry.

The central beliefs of the group are:
If governments and corporations around the world spent as much time and energy on feeding people as they do on war, no one would go hungry.
There is enough food in the world to feed everyone, but too much of it goes to waste needlessly, as a direct result of capitalism and militarism.
Vegan food is nonviolent."


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