Transition Town Llandeilo


Transition Town Llandeilo



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Welcome to Llandeilo, the first Transition Town in Wales - since Spring 2007. We are part of a network of communities across the UK and Ireland responding locally to the challenges presented by Climate Change and Peak Oil. We are looking at how we can reduce our carbon footprint and increase our resilience to the shocks that Peak Oil will bring.

As individuals, it's all too easy to feel helpless in the face of global problems, and on our own in truth we can't have much impact on them. We may wish the government did more, but watch as all too little gets done by politicians scared of unpopularity.

By working with others locally, we can support each other, empower ourselves and get things done. We can seek local solutions. We can experiment and try out new sustainable approaches...local food, local energy, local industry. We won't always know the answers but we can have fun looking for them.

The group usually meets in Llandeilo on the second Tuesday of each month.

These meetings are open to the public and are usually held in the Shire Hall in Carmarthen Street. Our special interests are in Energy, New Economics, Food and Farming, Education and Permaculture.

The allotments group, Cymdeithas y Dalar, is closely affiliated to Transition Town Llandeilo. Cymdeithas y Dalar now has its own website at

We have shown films related to Climate Change and Peak Oil, held a skills sharing day, a General Election 2010 hustings and a number of social events. We have active links to a wider movement in Wales and the UK.

01550 740655


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