Lysaght Steel Works

Lysaght Steel Works

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In 1896 John Lysaght from Wolverhampton announced his intention to build a steelworks in the south west. The company purchased land on the river bank on the eastern side of the river in Newport and built their new works. This was in 1898. A lot of the workers from Wolverhampton moved down to Newport and descendants of those workers were employed in the works (which was latterly called the Orb Electrical Steels). The Wolverhampton people were known as 'Ioes' (pronounced yows) because of their distinctive accents. The firm's works in Wolverhampton closed in 1901.
A website 'Forlorn Britain' states "Many of the workers had migrated from Wolverhampton, the company had offered employment at the Orb to it's experienced workers and many chose to follow the company to Newport rather than find alternative employment. The influx of workers from Wolverhampton left its mark on Newport, most of the iron workers settled along Corporation Road to the north of the Orb, many of the side streets in this area, Dudley Street, Telford Street, Walsall Street still reveal the towns links with the black country." The area became known as little Staffordshire.
Initially there were 3,000 workers at Newport including 600 girls (they worked three eight hour shifts).


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