The Green House
The Beautiful Green House Space is co-created by the community for the community!
With a non-hierarchical, consensus-based, flowing, playful, delightful, all-inclusive organizational structure for Maximum Fun!
We Nurture a Utopia where Individuality, Sustainability, Authenticity and Nature are Respected and Honored while we Live our Wisdom and Bliss in Perfect Unity.
Vision in Action:
Our Intention is to Co-create with the Community a Sacred Space to celebrate an inviting, sustainable, love-filled space. This space invites all of us to come together to share through events and gatherings that unify, empower, inspire, inform, heal and celebrate our beautiful blessed lives.
The Space:
The Green House is an actual greenhouse! .....with plants all around, a koi fish pond, dance & yoga floor, stellar sound-system, projector/screen, and for special events an Elixir Bar!
We also have a Conscious Book/Media Library and Swap. The top shelves live in the GreenHouse and the rest of the shelves are take-a-book-leave-a-book.
- New York
- Balitmore
- Charleston
- Champaign
- Oakland
- New York
- Akron
- New York
- Reino Unido
- BrooklynEstados Unidos
- RichmondEstados Unidos
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- New York
- ClevelandEstados Unidos
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- Estados Unidos
- Taiwan
- DinkelsbühlGermany
- NatalBrazil
- Lower PenarthReino Unido
- NokomisEstados Unidos
- Pereira
- Taiwan
- Reino Unido
- ClevelandEstados Unidos
- Jersey CityEstados Unidos
- Reino Unido
- AccokeekEstados Unidos
- Silver SpringEstados Unidos
- New YorkEstados Unidos
- New York CityEstados Unidos
- Cape Town
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