Briedīšu iezis / Briedisi Cliff

Briedīšu iezis / Briedisi Cliff

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Līdz 6 metrus augstas, ap 100 metrus platas, sarkanīgas klintis. Ainaviskākā klints daļa atrodas pie Gaujas, uz to no pretējā upes krasta paveras skaists skats.
Gaujas kreisajā krastā. pie Briedīšiem, 2 kilometrus augšpus Amatas grīvai.

Up to 6 metres high, some 100 metres wide, pinkish cliff. Most picturesque part of the cliff is located at Gauja River - beautiful view on it opens from the opposite bank.
Left bank of Gauja near Briedisi, 2 kilometres upstreams from mouth of Amata River.


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