Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine / Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina

Dunavska 37
Novi Sad

Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine / Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina

MuseumPark/Recreation Area


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Osnovna delatnost MSUV jeste da sakuplja, čuva, izučava i izlaže, pre svega dela moderne i savremene likovne umetnosti u Vojvodini. Po svojoj funkciji i obimu delovanja MSUVpredstavlja jedinu ustanovu ove vrste u Vojvodini.U muzejskom fondu nalaze se umetničke zbirke slika, skulptura, grafika i crteža, konceptualne umetnosti i dela novih/proširenih medija druge polovine XX veka u Vojvodini.

U muzejskom fondu je i nekoliko velikih donacija vojvođanskih umetnika: umetničkog para VERBUMPROGRAM (R. Kulić, V.Mattioni), Stojana Trumića, Dušana Milovanovića, Milete Vitorovića, Milana Kerca, Zorana Petrovića, Bogomila Karlavarisa, Ankice Oprešnik, Boška Petrovića…

Biblioteka i Odsek dokumentacije raspolažu obimnim knjižnim fondom i stručno obrađenom građom relevantnom za proučavanje umetničkih zbivanja u periodu kojim se MSUV bavi.Od juna 2001. godine MSUV realizuje izložbe u prostorijama bivšeg Muzeja socijalističke revolucije, dok su kancelarije, depo za smeštaj umetničkog fonda, biblioteka i dokumentacija i dalje smešteni u zgradi Opštinskog suda i Geoplana (Jevrejska 21).

The main activities of the Museum include collection, preservation, study, and exhibitions, primarily of modern and contemporary artwork in Vojvodina. Since its establishment, in function and scope of activity, the Museum has been the only institution of its kind in Vojvodina. Its current holdings contain collections of paintings, sculptures, prints and drawings, conceptual art, as well as new and expanded media works made in Vojvodina from the second half of the 20th century.

The Museum is actively involved in research and presentation of historical and current art production in Vojvodina, Serbia, and Region, but also in the wider international scene, especially in the area of comparative study of the relationship between art in Vojvodina and other art communities. These activities are mainly achieved through the interrelated cooperation and organization, as well as production of complex networked projects, so we can proudly say that the Museum is gradually becoming a machine that produces artistic and cultural events.

The main priorities of MSUV (Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina) are exhibitions and presentations of projects with European references, as well as exhibitions that articulate Vojvodina art space as a European cultural space and open up possibilities for art–curatorial dialogue that aspires to enter into a discussion about themes of modernity and local character of the contemporary world.


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