Montgomery EMS
Montgomery EMS Headquarters
Montgomery Emergency Medical Services (MEMS) is an all volunteer member organization which provides 9-1-1 emergency basic life support ambulance service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to the 22,254 residents (2010 census) as well as visitors to the the township of Montgomery, NJ, and does so with absolutely no charge. In addition, MEMS will provide non-emergency ambulance transport service for Township residents. MEMS also performs standbys at fire scenes, community events, and serves as back-up (known as mutual aid) to neighboring towns.
In 2010, our 70+ professional members donated 41,188 hours of being on duty, waiting to respond at a moment's notice, and covering 99.2% of our 1,300+ calls.
For information on how to volunteer, visit their website at:
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- Gwynn OakUnited States
- FlorianópolisBrazil
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