City of Cleveland Heights

40 Severance Circle
OH 44118

City of Cleveland Heights

Government OfficeEco InformationSolar Energy SiteWind Energy SiteOrganic/Local FoodGreen BuildingGreen EnterpriseLocal BusinessEnergy Conservation


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Adopted in early 2012, the City of Cleveland Heights Sustainable Zoning Codes allow and encourage sustainable building, environmental and land use practices by businesses and residents, alike.

Hightlights inlclude:
• Parking lots will be smaller and more ecological – “A parking lot’s maximum allowable size will be limited and the minimum required size decreased to avoid half-empty parking lots. In addition to required landscaping, up to 30 percent of the required parking spaces can be set aside as a landscaped area that could be paved if higher-than-expected parking demand occurs. Permeable paving is encouraged and required in specific instances and curbs must allow water to drain into landscape beds.”

• Bicycle use will be encouraged – “Conveniently placed, well-designed bike parking for new uses will be required and long-term, covered bike parking with locker and shower facilities will be required for offices, university buildings and hospitals exceeding 25,000 square feet.”

• Local food production will be encouraged “by allowing community gardens, farmers’ markets, chicken coops for eggs, vegetable gardens, greenhouses, cold frames and deer net fencing.”

• Conservation of energy and production of renewable energy will be encouraged “by allowing rain barrels, solar panels, wind turbines, clothes lines, geothermal systems, solar farms and electric vehicle charging stations.”

• Commercial and large-scale development will be sustainably designed – “Design characteristics and amenities and environmentally sensitive site planning will be part of the approval criteria for developers. For example, lighting will be shielded and its mounting height limited to not shine into the night sky and not light neighboring properties, new buildings will be required to provide windows for seeing and being seen (which will enhance a pedestrian’s experience in our commercial districts), historic preservation and adaptive reuse of structures will be encouraged and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or LEED-equivalent sustainability measures will be sought.”

View entire zoning document here:


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