750 S. Mountain Estates Road

Toigo Orchards



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The orchard uses IPM growing methods which allow us to grow beautiful fruit with no chemical residues. Integrated Pest Management allows for the use of beneficial insects as well as no residual sprays should something threaten the entire crop. We are very proud that all of our fruit can be eaten straight from the orchard. In fresh fruit production we have over 21,000 trees devoted to fresh market apple production, primarily fresh market apples. In soft fruit production we have approximately 41 acres devoted to fresh market peach production, starting in late June and running through September. It is not uncommon to have our Toigo quality fruit shipped as far at Northern Canada and Southern Virginia. Our Customers find these fruits of exceptional quality all season long. Other fruits grown in the Toigo Orchards include plums, apricots, cherries, Asian Pears and European Pears. In berry production, Toigo Orchards has several acres devoted to strawberry, raspberry and blackberry production all for fresh marked and extending over a six month period. All of these fruits are marketed in the mid-Atlantic region. In row crops, Toigo Orchards has been growing melons since 1973. Production has fluctuated over the years, with some seasons producing honeydew and cantaloupe. Over the past few years acreage has decreased while production has increase due to better varieties being developed. All melons being harvested quickly find their way in to stores from New York City to Washington, D.C., throughout our own distribution network which ensures all melons are picked, packed and shipped within a timely manner. Pesticide Free Greenhouse Production At Toigo Orchards we grow a thinned-skinned, low acid, beefsteak and vine variety. We grow 2700 tomato plants in our 12,500 square foot greenhouse using no pesticides. The seeds are started in late November and we have ripe fruit in early April. We use bi-control for pest management. Thousands of beneficial insect are released in the greenhouse including Bumble bees which are used for pollination.

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