Leonel Lima Ponce, Inhabitat New York City
“The implementation of smartphone apps and Open Green Maps...expands the network of sustainable communities that have coalesced under the program. The i-phone app, winner of Treehugger’s 2011 Best of Green “Best Eco App for a Smart Phone,” includes a “What’s green nearby?” feature, which pinpoints sustainable businesses in the immediate surroundings of a mobile device. The Open Green Map, a participatory mapmaking website with more than 16,000 locations on view, provides an interactive platform to share insights, images, and impacts of local green sites of all kinds.”
“Open Green Map connects the local economy, green development and ecotourism movements, engaging citizens with local environment, climate and equity issues in New York and worldwide.”
Asian Journal, AJ Press
“Collaboration (on Open Green Map) offers us a dynamic and inclusive way of participating in a community of shared interests and concerns”
Green Schools Initiative
“San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar commented, “The San Francisco Open Green Map is a wonderful environmental gift to the people of San Francisco. We hope to expand its use to more schools, community centers & neighborhoods. What a great example of how open source & GIS technology can be used to empower people and create a more sustainable world!”
“Owen Parker, who provided data processing and geocoding services for the San Francisco Open Green Map, said, "It's good to see mapping services used in this way--as a vehicle for expanding people's understanding of the world around them.”
"Students, particularly those in secondary education, are increasingly fluent with multiple sources of technology and expect to see information in a graphic form; they are early adopters of new technology and enthusiastic users of the type of opportunities offered by Open Green Map System."
Austen Diamond, City Weekly
“Admittedly, these particular icons are beautifully rendered by Green Mapping System. Green Maps are a tool for folks to intimately know their community—not only by seeing, but experiencing it, by charting eco-friendly or eco-detrimental points.”
Julie, Green Space
“Using familiar Google map technology, Open Green Map is a …growing database created by Green Map® System in hopes to "make these places part of your life, and help your community become a greener and healthier place."
Meg143’s Blog
“Interactive maps are a new way of visualizing social justice issues. They allow you to combine the new technologies of the Internet along with the visual appeal of a map to present an issue or subject more clearly”
Garden Rant - Susan Harris
Baltimore's Green Map was started as an antidote to a prominent local map with a not-so-positive impact - the one that plots all the homicide spots in the city, helpfully published on the Baltimore Sun website. The Green Map was envisioned as an "upbeat alternative to it that might inspire people to make the city a greener place" and I bet it does exactly that.
Tim Hurst - Celsias.com
...a new generation of maps like those at Green Map, mixes user-generated knowledge and information with freely-available, high quality digital cartography that can be made to help tell stories only locals could tell... Green Map has just launched a new web-based project to combine the maps into a single, open-sourced map, synthesizing the data into a geographic encyclopedia, of sorts.
Marco Kusumawijaya on The Jakarta Globe
It is important for people to revisit, and get to know their neighborhood in a comprehensive way. The idea behind this is: if you know more, you can love more. Green Map can also be used to voice concerns on neighborhood problems, which are often overlooked by urban planners. People should use Green Map to re-plan their neighborhood and make it more vibrant and sustainable.
Josh Flynn, Flynnfinity
Somebody posted [a green site], which is how I found out about this site. I am actually kind of surprised I never came across it before.
Tom Stafford, Idiolect
The Green Map project made me look at the maps (...) and ask why what was on them was on them. Why the roads and the petrol stations, why not the scenic routes through park, the community cafes and the places you could lock your bike up?
Fred Bordage, ZDnet
L’objectif de ces cartes est de permettre aux internautes de découvrir les commerces, produits et services durables proches de leur domicile. Encore un bel exemple de relocalisation et désintermédiarisation de l’économie rendu possible grâce aux technologies web dernier cri.
Elizabeth Dickinson, Urban Palimpsest
Our personal worldview can filter our spatial experience to create individualized interpretations of cities... We now have the power to map minutia at a grand scale.
Angelique Vengelen, Amplified Green
... great example of how thinking globally by acting locally works in practice... I have instant access to comprehensive information that makes life a lot easier.
Blab Lab
I encountered this amazing website recently: an open source project that has set out to make Green Maps all over the world.
The project’s impact will hit a whole new level with the introduction of Open Green Map: a community site that makes the project accessible to all...
Leslie Garrett, The Star
You'll find eco-offerings – and much more...
Adrian, Open Green Map user
This Green Map tool is a great idea! It will be great to be able to interact with fellow green citizens around me through this medium.
Gautam Naidu, Green Mapmaker, India
...Green Map aims at identifying a sustainable way of living...[an] environment-friendly way of utilising existing and newly discovered ecological resources...