Jordanhill Campus
Visão geral
Jordanhill Campus is a former campus of Jordanhill college, a teacher training college now moved to central Glasgow. Jordanhill Campus consists of about 41 acres of land, approximately half of which is open sloping parkland with mature trees. The remainder of the site contains 20th century institutional buildings, including student halls of residence. The site is historically and aesthetically associated with the Jordanhill Demonstration School which sits at the foot of the hill to the east, but the school building and its grounds are not included within the site boundaries. The amenity grassland within the east of the Jordanhill site is part of an area of open space used for sports pitches providing amenity for the school and wider community.
Amenity grassland is the most extensive habitat type by area within the site. The types of amenity grassland can be divided into two groups, based on where they are situated on the site. The most species-poor amenity grassland is found within the playing fields, and immediate surrounding area, situated in the eastern portion of the site. This type of grassland is comprised primarily of one species, Perennial Rye Grass (Lolium perenne), which is cut very short resulting in a uniform appearance. This type of grassland is also found between walkways around the site, and under the mature trees in front of the David Stow building. Jordanhill contains a number of fine trees of considerable age. Some of the planting layout dates from the 18th century and a number of fine surviving trees date from the 19th century.There is potential for the pond to be reinstated to its earlier, larger extent and to be of greater ecological significance with better management. The woodland areas to the south west of the Smith Building and to the north, west and south west banks also have potential to encourage wildlife, if they were managed for that purpose.
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