Suggest a Site: At any map, click the Info Tab on the right sidebar. Under Add to This Green Map, click Suggest a Site. Or, click a tab above the map. Note that the Mapmaker (Team Leader) can opt not to take public suggestions so this tab may not be visible.
Fill in as much detail as possible and click Submit. The Mapmaker (Team Leader) will review and approve your suggestion before it appears on the map.
Join Map Team: Some Mapmakers (Team Leaders) are seeking more Team Members. Click the Info Tab, if you see "join team" under Add to This Green Map, click to let them know you would like to help. Otherwise contact them by clicking the link Mapmaker Profile in this tab.
Donate: Click the link on the bottom menu of any page to support this project's continual development. Click In Progress on the top menu to see what we'll be creating with your help!
Testimonial: See all the comments by clicking More next to the randomly selected Testimonial on the homepage's lower right. Click Contact on the bottom menu to send us yours!
Promote: Tell your friends and networks about OGM! Find linked graphics for your website or blog, a press release to send to local media and more. This is also the place to find tools that will help you share Open Green Maps and their data (coming soon)!