Frequently Asked Questions - Lines and Areas (in Beta Version)

Yes! You can help improve this section. Send your comments, improvements and/or solutions to us. It's useful if you send screenshot including the URL if you want to report a bug or to suggest a change in the color palette.

On the Open Green Map, you can chart lines and areas (polygons) in order to represent paths such as bike routes and areas such as parks.

The Legend shows all the different types, and you can hover over each color for the definition. Or click on a line or area on the map for its info-window. You can add to the info-window, with comments, rating, photo or video, too.

Click here to preview the Lines and Areas Demo Map. If you cannot see lines and areas, try another internet browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc) or another computer. Or, try a different platform (Mac or PC).

Areas are not filled in, but you can click in the center for the info-window. Click directly on the Line for that info-window.

On the map that appears at the top of the Site Form, we suggest zooming in as close as possible, in order to create an accurate polygon. Click on the map to create the starting point of the polygon feature. Click, click, click around the area you want to draw. To complete the area, just click on the starting point to complete the polygon.

Once you have finished drawing you can move your mouse over the line and drag points to be more precise. You can delete points by right-clicking (PC users) or by pressing the Control key and clicking (Mac users).

DRAWING TIP: If you want to have more flexibility when you are drawing, you can add more points to your area by slightly moving the shaded squared-shape points to any direction. This will recompose your Area.

[video coming soon]

Complete the rest of the information and don’t forget to click Submit to save your submission.

You can come back and edit your Area and/or its information at any time. Login, and at the upper right of the area's info–window, click Edit. If you want to delete it, click Edit, scroll to the bottom and click Delete.

On the map that appears at the top of the Site Form, we suggest zooming in as close as possible, in order to create an accurate line. Click on the map to create the starting point of the linear feature. Click, click, click along the path you want to draw. To finish the line, just double-click on the same place of the ending point of your line.

Once you have finished drawing, you can move your mouse over the line and drag points to be more precise. You can delete points by right-clicking (PC users) or by pressing the Control key and clicking (Mac users).

DRAWING TIP: If you want to have more flexibility when you are drawing, you can add more points to your line by slightly moving the shaded squared-shape points to any direction. This will recompose your line.

[video coming soon!]

Complete the rest of the information and don’t forget to click Submit to save your submission.

You can come back and edit your line and/or its information at any time. Login, and at the upper right of the line's info –window, click Edit. If you want to delete it, click Edit, scroll to the bottom and click Delete.

If you are the owner of the map or a Team Member who added/suggested a site, you can edit the information and/or placement of the site, line or area. In order to proceed, you need to login. Click on the site, line or area. Once the info-window is displayed, click on the Edit link, top right inside of this window. You will be directed to the Site Form to make any changes, even delete a site (bottom button). Don’t forget to click Submit to save your changes.

If you don’t have the permission to edit a site, you can post a comment directly to the Green Site or you can contact the Mapmaker through the map's profile (under Info on the right tab).

DRAWING TIP: If you want to have more flexibility when you are drawing, you can add more points to your drawing by slightly moving the shaded squared-shape points to any direction and then you can recompose your line or area [video coming soon]

Log in first. Like adding a site, you will need to click on Add a Site, a tab located on top of every map. Then, at the top of the Site Form, choose Site, Line or Area. The latter two options will reload the page with a special map so you can draw lines and areas.

Start by logging in. Go to your map and click Suggest a Site. However, if you are not a Team Member, at this time, you cannot add them to an Open Green Map.

Switch between the different Map Views (Map, Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain) to have a better contrasting background (click white boxes on the upper right corner of the map to switch).

In the Legend on the right, you can hover over any of the color blocks in the Lines & Areas section for a definition of each color. Also, if you click on a line or area, an info-window will be displayed with detailed information about that specific line or area.

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