If you are the owner of the map or a Team Member who added/suggested a site, you can edit the information and/or placement of the site, line or area. In order to proceed, you need to login. Click on the site, line or area. Once the info-window is displayed, click on the Edit link, top right inside of this window. You will be directed to the Site Form to make any changes, even delete a site (bottom button). Don’t forget to click Submit to save your changes.
If you don’t have the permission to edit a site, you can post a comment directly to the Green Site or you can contact the Mapmaker through the map's profile (under Info on the right tab).
DRAWING TIP: If you want to have more flexibility when you are drawing, you can add more points to your drawing by slightly moving the shaded squared-shape points to any direction and then you can recompose your line or area [video coming soon]