Frequently Asked Questions - Kartskapare registrering och Bidragares inloggningar

Yes, if you want to lead a local Green Map project or create an Open Green Map, you must register as a Green Mapmaker. Find more at

Registered Mapmakers, please login using the same username and password as at (by the end of 2009, you will only have to login one time). The login box is located in every page at the right upper corner.

We want people with expertise in sustainability and in-depth awareness of their community to lead Green Map projects. Once registered, Green Mapmakers have full access to all our Green Mapmaking resources and tools for all kinds of Green Map projects, including the Open Green Map platform. Explore the Mapmaker's FAQ and register at

If you are registered at this website as a Contributor, you will not need to add your name, email and spell out the "captcha" (the coded sequence of letters and numbers) each time you add text or an image. And, your contributions will be tagged with your username. Later, OGM will have social networking resources for Contributors, too.

If you have yet to create a Contributor account, click Create New Account (on the right near the Login) and fill in the form. Then, login each time you contribute new content and save steps.

Once you make an error logging in, you can click the New Password link that appears by the login box on the upper right. A new password will be emailed. After you login using this temporary password, you can change it to something easy to remember.

Registered Green Mapmakers - Resetting your password on OGM will reset your password at, too. After you login using the temporary password that was emailed to the registered email address, you can change it to something easy to remember there as well.

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