East Atlanta Village Farmers' Market

1231 Glenwood Ave SE

East Atlanta Village Farmers' Market

Lokal eller Bondens marknad/Gårdsaffär


Ingen har röstat än

When is the EAV Farmers' Market?

Every Thursday May thru November from 4:00PM to Dusk

Where is the EAV Farmers' Market?

In the parking lot of Village Hardware at 1231 Glenwood Ave SE Atlanta, GA 30316. Accessible via the #9, #34, #4 and #107 MARTA bus lines.

What is the organization's mission?

The East Atlanta Village Farmers Market creates opportunities to strengthen the local economy and encourage healthy lifestyles. We pursue vendor practices, programs and partnerships that have environmental, social and economic integrity.

How can I be a vendor?

Download the application that relates to what you want to offer at the market. Application documents include the market's policies. Fruit & Vegetable , Livestock/Dairy/Eggs , Processed Goods and Arts & Crafts . Applications are reviewed by and decided upon by a committee comprised of the Board of Directors for the market. The market has limited capacity, so if we don't respond to you immediately, please be patient.

How can I do something nonvendorish - like volunteer, play music or juggle?

Send an e-mail to info@farmeav.com . Put volunteer or music in the subject line.

What is the structure of the market's organization?

The East Atlanta Village Farmers Market is incorporated as a Not-for-Profit corporation in the State of Georgia. The board of directors is comprised of two East Atlanta residents, two East Atlatna business owners, two farmers and one at-large member who serve two year staggered terms. Click here for the Board of Directors.


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